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Taxis are mostly used for the longer journeys, such as for getting to the airport and often must be reserved in advance.

There are international flights to and from El Catey/Samaná (30 mins.), Santo Domingo (2 hours), Puerto Plata (3 hours) and Punta Cana (approx. 4 hour drive),

Distances to VillaNoria
El Catey–VillaNoria – 20 km
Santa Domingo–VillaNoria – 163 km
Puerto Plata–VillaNoria – 200 km
Punta Cana–VillaNoria – 275 km

There are busses running between Las Terrenas and Santo Domingo, Samaná and Puerto Plata several times a day. Tickets can be purchased on the bus. But please take into account that this is a typical Dominican means of transport.

Car rental
This is actually the most comfortable. There are several car rental companies in Las Terrenas but you can also hire a car at the larger airports. It is recommended to reserve in advance or to specify with your VillaNoria reservation that you would like to hire a car. You have to be at least 25 years of age and have a valid driving licence to be able to hire a car. Visit our services page to have us rent your car for you.

The most common means of transport in Las Terrenas is the so called “Motoconcho”, a small 125 CC motorbike that is used as a taxi. These are very commonplace and you only have to wave your hand and you are practically already sitting on the back of one. A fast and inexpensive way to move around. You can also hire a motorbike if that is your wish.

Quads are much used and rented out, an ideal means of transport to go to the beach or the village or to explore the surrounding countryside. You can rent quads in Las Terrenas and if you so wish we can arrange this for you. Visit our services page for more information

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